
MADA is a very active and growing district within the Alabama State Missionary Baptist Convention.  The District is composed of more than sixty churches located in the capital city of Montgomery, Alabama.  MADA will always be about encourage and engaging all believers to be a student of God’s Holy Word.  The pastors, members, churches, and friends of Montgomery Antioch District Baptist Association want to encourage all to get involved in mission and evangelism.  This would be one way to put into practice the great commission.  If we, as well as all the districts within the Alabama State Missionary Baptist Convention are going to be and do what God is calling for us to do, then we must be about the Master business.

MADA’s Vision:
MADA is a cohesive body providing service to the district churches.

MADA’s Mission:
MADA’s mission is to provide resources, training, and education to district churches in order to carry out the Great Commission of Christ.